Newton’s 3 laws and me
Independent of Space and Time, which is not absolute, Newton’s 3 laws:
- momentum = mass x velocity
- force = mass x acceleration
- mass1 x velocity1 = mass2 x mass2
are inescapable realities. I keep traveling in one direction until a force is applied to change the state of my motion. I move at the rate of whatever force is applied onto me (pressure). And my energy is constantly met by the energy of the things that surround me, sometime slamming us together, sometimes repelling us apart.
Our “Energy Efficient” culture
Our cultures use of energy has become centralized, organized, hyper controlled, and thus it is not efficient at all. We use this term “energy efficiency” to make ourselves feel better about our dependency on the vital resources that we cannot seem to stop using. I think an energy efficient culture is a culture that uses what is available to them naturally, the flows of water, the blow of the wind, the solar rays of the sun, the calories of our bodies as we ride our bicycles to our destinations. When all people are dependent on a small handful of resource options, they are headed in a dangerous direction. The more we move towards only using energies that are truly sustainable the better off we will be because “Everything that exists, according to Albert Einstein, is some form of energy, although there are many different types. Whatever energy is, we can’t seem to make any more of it or get rid of it, it can change to a different form, but the amount of it can’t change.” And what the wasted energy from our current modes of energy use changes into is heat that is overheating the planet, which will be the cause of our demise if we don’t get off our energetic addictions to oil and natural gas…
Descartes has a lot to answer for!
Yes, HE does!
The world is not a rational and mechanistic universe, it is not ordered by rigid laws of cause and effect, and we are not separate from nature, not even slightly above it. I don’t know where we would be without Descartes, but I sure don’t appreciate all of the straight lines, box like architecture, and reductionistic thinking. My experience of taking things apart is that they just don’t work as well as they did before I messed with them in the first place. I wonder what my childhood would have been like if the current trend in our culture wasn’t obsessed with trying to take everything apart and instead it was about learning to observe and respect the ways of nature without thinking we had to do anything to change the course that things were already on.
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