Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Energy, Matter, and Force - week 4

How has e=mc^2 affected me?
I have a little photograph of the mushroom cloud that the bomb on hiroshima produced hanging above the computer in the law office I work at.  I like to look at it because it reminds me of the terrible atrocities that human beings are capable of.  I look at it because I like to pray that no one would be dumb enough to pull a stunt like that again.  I think of the amount of mass devastation and death that bomb caused, not just instantaneously, but over the years that have followed, how the bomb still holds responsibility for that state of the environment surrounding the bomb site in Japan.  Although I wasn't directly affected by that bomb, it is the best example that I could think of in regards to this famous equation.  I doubt that einstein would have permitted that sort of use of his theories if he had a choice in the matter.  And now here's the next story in a serious of "how science is used against us"!!!  

How would I compare the four "forces"?
The four forces definately have a spectrum of strength from stronger to weaker, this is shown in the chart which has measurements for the "relative magnitudes" of each of the forces.  But as far as comparing them goes, I don't know what to say.  I feel relatively aware of gravity and electromagnetic force, but i cannot say that I associate any particular feeling with either the strong nuclear force or the weak nuclear force.  Can anyone tell me what a nuclear force feels like exactly?
What is the function of gravity?
To keep things that belong to the planet connected to the planet?

Week 3 - Synchronicity

What evidence can you find for synchronicity?

I just spent a really long time trying to look up the name of a psychological term which 
is used to explain when the energy of en emotion becomes present in a group therapy
setting.  I remember it being described as feeling palpable like water filling up the room.
This feeling is the evidence I want to explain for synchronicity.  It never fails, when I open
the subject of people talking about dreams or coincidences of events that seem to correlate
with each other, there is a certain inertia or excitement, and energy that i become aware of.
If there wasn't anything to this synchronicity thing, I feel like people wouldn't release so 
much mental / emotional energy when they talk about it.  I believe in synchronicity because
it seems like people as a general rule get really excited when you get them talking about 
"unexplainable events" that line up as omens or signs or explanations for ones personal life experiences.  

How would I explain connectivity?

I wrote in the margin of the article on quantum mechanics "how information travels in the body".  Connectivity seems mysterious when you think about it, how can you know something when it happens on the other side of the world?  How can you feel what another is feeling? How can one seperate event cause a different seperate event somewhere far away?  Connectivity reminds me of how the nervous responses work in the human body.  You don't have time to cognitively think about it when you are burning your hand on a hot stove.  The sensations in the nerves send a message to the brain and the brain shouts "oh, shoot" and quickly your hand moves from the hot surface.  The response happens almost before you can think about what is happening.  I think connectivity works like that.  We are all parts of a bigger being, like cells within the body, connected in a way our individualism probably doesn't want us to understand.  When something happens to another person, especially one with whom we acknowledge a connection, we can sometimes feel what they are feeling or are at least be called to think about the person.  The mystery of this psychic message seems to function just as mysteriously as how the nerve responses are transmitted throughout our human vessels.  Faster than we can comprehend.  

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Quantumplations - week 2 blog responses

Reflections On Uncertainty:
 I respond instinctually:  For a while I have been practicing non-action. Consciously I decided not to make any decisions for a period of time.  I wanted to see what would happen if I stopped exerting my intentions and expectations upon things, people, situations.  So far it has been working.  I found two subletters without going on the internet once, qi-gong patients have been seeking me out, and I have begun the mastery of not freaking out when the fear surges and urges me to take reactionary actions.  I have noticed that when I have to decide something, immediately, my anxiety rises, and my state of peacefulness subsides.  I see the concept of uncertainty as a grand metaphor representing a balance of what we are at the same time as it represents what we aren't.  Ego vs. the Divine Consciousness.  The way the atom has a mysterious way of uncertainty - so do we.  We know who we are no more than we know what else we could possibly be, so often attached to what we think we are, we don't surrender long enough to observe the other potential realities that are available to us, which just like the specific location, path, or nature of the quantum particles is uncertain.

Comments on Causality:
This sort of connects to the response above.  Our intentions/expectations play a part in causing reality.  What we think is.  Therefor when conducting an experiment it is almost impossible not to impose our belief of what will happen thus influencing the results.  This is part of why I have decided not to decide.  I wanted to observe what would happen to my life if i could resist my desire to control it, what would naturally organically come without me exerting any power or control over situations.  (it's the closest i've ever come to living in the tao)   

Is The Universe Weird?:
What to do with this question... Hmmm. The universe does seem to be incredibly weird.  It takes lifetimes to crack the code, but the code is always changing so you never really get to an endpoint.  The way we see and understand things is constantly subject to all of our strange minds that are compelled to try and explain it all.  In the end, the psychological experience of living in the Universe is just like the nature of the universe itself, constantly in flux and engadged in a process of integrative evolution.  

Monday, May 12, 2008

Week One - The Meaning of Time

I am not going to say too much here on this first blog because I already answered these questions in class and in addition there is the fact that I consider myself in recovery from my intolerance of communicating via the internet.  I honestly think I might be allergic.  Even though I acknowledge it as a valuable resource for uniting minds all over the world.  There are a great number of things that really turn me off about it.  Like for one i really like face to face interactions, getting letters in the U.S. Mail, and phone calls on landline telephones, all of which seem to be endangered experiences with the booming trend of this alternative form of communication...

but here it goes:

I reflect on the experience of the first week of class living up to my every expectation. I feel invigorated by reading heady articles about physics with a group of like minded individuals that are not afraid of sharing there feelings of excitement, apprehension, inspiration, and confusion over the topics we are exploring.  I still feel myself pondering the big bang theory subject, totally in awe that i had never realized that before there was an explosion there was an accumulation of energy and matter that proceeded... I also find myself savoring the conversations about time, what it means, what we are "supposed" to think it means, and how we are "supposed" to interact with it, versus what it really is and how we really have a lot more control over how we interact with it than people (like teachers, bosses, credit card companies, hallmark, etc.) want us to think we do....  Ahhh,  the tastes of freedom and rebellion are so sweet...

I am ever so sent spinning in circles thinking of the yin and the yang, the opposites, and the balance that can be found in the rotations.  Like I said in class, I spent a number of years practicing Reiki, feeling like there was so much more to understand about the energy I was just being introduced to playing with.  And I've been trying to "help" people through my working at a law firm that focuses on class action lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies by recovering money for their losses (which is another endangered experience) and one day it occurred to me that perhaps there was a much bigger potential world of being able to "help" people that had been hurt by the corporate complex of contemporary western medicine.  Long answer short, after completing my first year of TCM studies and the Qi-Gong certification program, I have indeed confirmed that the "much bigger potential world"  of helping people just keeps getting bigger.  (Kind of like the Big Bang!)

I am not inclined to the study of the western sciences.  It has always been more confusing than it has been helpful.  I do recognize the importance of understanding the theories and their implications over everything manifest... But I never felt like i fit into the academics of such, nor did the academics of such fit very well into my intuitiv-ity.  I do look forward to dabbling, and learning what i can understand to enrich my life in Larry's "cliff-note" version class.  And I absolutely love reading the new-agey texts that intuit-ize the concepts.  But REALLY, I wouldn't have signed up for a physics class if my current education didn't require it.  Thanks for the little things, huh?

Now that I think about it... I don't remember the answer that I gave in class for this question.
But I have two things I want to share now.  
1. Damanhur.  Damanhur is a place in the mountains of Northern Italy.  I visited this place which boasts of its schools of alchemy and astral travel.  I don't know how to put in words the things I saw and experienced in this community / temple - but i can say if you are going to italy and you have any inclination toward alchemy and astral travel - you should go!  I am happy to hold a discussion with anyone who wants to hear more, but it you find yourself curious, you should check out the web site, and maybe put your back-pack on and check the place out for yourself.  I do not think you will be less than amazed.  check it:
2. Death.  And possibly Birth.  I don't know.  I can't remember my own birth, nor have i witnessed one, but Death, I have.  I have witnessed 3 deaths - and if you want to experience time slowing down... there is no comparison to the timelessness that happens when you watch the final breaths of a spirit before it returns to the journey it was on before it found itself in a live form...  there is no comparison to how beautiful the clouds in the sky become when you look up and wonder where that spirit has gone, and how minutes can feel like hours and months can pass like days when you are holding the awareness of the journey that the spirit of someone you love is going to some place that you cannot comprehend.