Sunday, May 25, 2008

Quantumplations - week 2 blog responses

Reflections On Uncertainty:
 I respond instinctually:  For a while I have been practicing non-action. Consciously I decided not to make any decisions for a period of time.  I wanted to see what would happen if I stopped exerting my intentions and expectations upon things, people, situations.  So far it has been working.  I found two subletters without going on the internet once, qi-gong patients have been seeking me out, and I have begun the mastery of not freaking out when the fear surges and urges me to take reactionary actions.  I have noticed that when I have to decide something, immediately, my anxiety rises, and my state of peacefulness subsides.  I see the concept of uncertainty as a grand metaphor representing a balance of what we are at the same time as it represents what we aren't.  Ego vs. the Divine Consciousness.  The way the atom has a mysterious way of uncertainty - so do we.  We know who we are no more than we know what else we could possibly be, so often attached to what we think we are, we don't surrender long enough to observe the other potential realities that are available to us, which just like the specific location, path, or nature of the quantum particles is uncertain.

Comments on Causality:
This sort of connects to the response above.  Our intentions/expectations play a part in causing reality.  What we think is.  Therefor when conducting an experiment it is almost impossible not to impose our belief of what will happen thus influencing the results.  This is part of why I have decided not to decide.  I wanted to observe what would happen to my life if i could resist my desire to control it, what would naturally organically come without me exerting any power or control over situations.  (it's the closest i've ever come to living in the tao)   

Is The Universe Weird?:
What to do with this question... Hmmm. The universe does seem to be incredibly weird.  It takes lifetimes to crack the code, but the code is always changing so you never really get to an endpoint.  The way we see and understand things is constantly subject to all of our strange minds that are compelled to try and explain it all.  In the end, the psychological experience of living in the Universe is just like the nature of the universe itself, constantly in flux and engadged in a process of integrative evolution.  

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